Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day Two

Today wasn't too bad. I didn't get hungry at all. However, the tea I had to drink last night made me crampy all night and I didn't sleep very well. I am going to skip it tonight. I had an out of town meeting in the afternoon and dinner with a friend after that. They had my favorite dark chocolate at the meeting and it wasn't hard to turn down. The dinner was a little different since my friend had Greek favorite:-(

All in all, a good day. I would say my energy has increased if anything. I did cheat and have a cup of black coffee. I am going to do no caffeine tomorrow and just deal with the headaches.

I did 7 miles in 30 minutes on the stationary bike.

weight is about the same, but I was 6 lbs. lighter in the morning. The scale may not be accurate:-)

I was a little emotional today. I kept thinking about how beautiful everything was...haha

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day One

I have decided to do the Master Cleanse for the next 10 days and figured people may find it interesting to read about. I am counting today as Day one even though I have not officially started. I drank the tea last night and am having a lot of trouble today as my body gets rid of EVERYTHING inside me. I realize this is kind of gross, but am amazed at how much one cup of tea can affect me. I have been drinking juice today to make things a little easier for my official start tonight. I did a juice fast two months ago and it helped quite a bit, so I decided to do that for a day while the tea does its job.

If you are not familiar with the cleanse I am doing, it consists of Maple Syrup, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and distilled water. Here is a Wikipedia definition:
"The Master Cleanse claims to be a way to cleanse the body of toxins and remove the cravings associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and eating junk food. "Coffee, tea, and various cola drinks, as habit-forming beverages, also lose their appeal through the marvels of the lemonade diet."[2] The cleanse involves drinking only lemonade made from fresh lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, water and Cayenne pepper. No solid food is eaten for the entire cleanse. The Master Cleanse is technically not a fast, and proponents say it is more gentle on the body because it does contain some essential vitamins and minerals. According to proponents it is recommended to be on the cleanse for a minimum of ten days, but some people stay on the cleanse for longer periods of time, even as long as 45 days."

If you are reading this and you know me, you know that I am training to run a half marathon in September. The cleanse is a way for me to completely clean my body so I can start with a clean slate and a very strict diet that will give me energy and lean muscle necessary for the race. I have read many good things about the cleanse and thought I'd give it a try:-) It is an unusual thing to do, so I figured it would be an interesting thing to share.

I also would like to cleanse other things in my life and figure blogging will keep me accountable. I need to clean out the following things:

  1. negative friends
  2. music I don't listen to from my computer
  3. CDs (I have hundreds)
  4. books (I have hundreds)
  5. old paperwork (who need bank statements from the 90's?)
  6. old computers (I have 3)
  7. clothes (I just lost 20lbs(since Jan.) and most of them don't even fit anymore)
  8. emails (I have more than 3,000 in my inbox
Let the cleansing begin......